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DAP Map Info

The Displacement Alert Project (DAP) Map is a rich resource of more than a decade of key data on residential displacement in New York City. The map shows loss of rent-stabilized units, property sales, HPD violations, and marshal-executed evictions.


Each risk factor is its own layer, with properties color-coded by risk level. Click buttons on the right to change layers, and click a property to view details. Find an address using the search button on the top left, or zoom to a geography using the drop-down options on the right. 

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How to Use DAP Map

#1 Browse a neighborhood

You can use the map's zoom buttons and drag to manually navigate to an area you're interested in. You can click between risk layers to find higher- and lower-risk areas for different factors. Alternatively, you can use the drop-down menus on the right side of the screen under Zoom to a geography to zoom to a specific City Council District, Community Board, or Zip code. You can also turn on layers showing those boundaries using the Geography layers.


#2 Search an address

If you have a specific building that you want to look at, use the Search Address button in the upper left-hand corner.


#3 Dig into the numbers

Click a property to open up an infowindow with data on the selected risk layer. Switch between risk layers and re-select the property to view additional data for other types of risk.


#4 Dive deeper

Have more questions? Try clicking the links in the infowindow to navigate to external websites with more information.

  • The link to DAP Portal will show you detailed historical records for any property, including information about sales, evictions, foreclosures, complaints, violations, construction permits, litigations, and more. 

What's new?

In 2023, we updated DAP Map with the following changes:

  • Deregulation risk now shows decreases in registered stabilized units since 2019 (the passage of the Housing Security and Tenant Protection Act), or a lack of any rent registration, up through 2021.

  • We changed Construction Risk to Violations Risk, since construction permits no longer indicate the same level of displacement risk that they did before the passage of HSTPA, when Individual Apartment Improvements and High Rent Vacancy Deregulation allowed for dramatic rent increases and deregulation of stabilized units.

Other Notes

Does DAP Map show buildings or properties?


DAP Map displays entire properties, not individual buildings. Each of these properties has its own tax lot and belongs to one owner. Infowindows tell you how many buildings are on a property, and you can see building footprints when you zoom in closely. Hovering over links in an infowindow gives you tips about finding detailed data for individual buildings, when applicable.


How are commercial and other non-residential properties displayed?


Non-residential properties contain some data, including sales and construction permits, but they will not show "risk"; that is, they won't be color-coded for any layers. 



Deregulation Risk


This layer shows the change in the percentage of rent stabilized units between 2019 and 2021. If the most recent year that units were registered shows a decline since 2019, the tax lot will appear in yellow, orange, or red. HSTPA eliminated most forms of deregulation, so a decrease in registered stabilized units may indicate that an owner is not complying with HSTPA. 

If a property appears gray, it means that the owner did not register stabilized units in either 2020 or 2021, which could also indicate a lack of compliance with HSTPA.


The Scale












Stabilized unit numbers were scraped from property tax bills from the NYC Department of Finance; more information can be found here. Click a property’s DAP Portal link for rent stabilized unit numbers by year. New York State Housing and Community Renewal (HCR) maintains information on individual apartment's rent stabilization status and history, which is not available to the public. Tenants can obtain stabilization information for their own apartment by requesting their rent history.





New Sale Risk


Was the building sold for a price that might indicate a speculative investment strategy? A high sale price can mean the new owner plans to significantly raise rents to cover their debt. This layer shows the most recent sale between 1/1/2007 and 6/30/2019. Darker red indicates a higher sale price per unit.


The Scale














What does a sale price of $0 mean?


A sale price of $0 could indicate the property was sold along with others and the amount is recorded elsewhere, or it could indicate a transfer of ownership without an actual sale. Sometimes a small sale amount is nominal and means that a property was transferred between related parties or was part of a legal reconfiguration rather than sold openly on the market. Sale prices of less than $1,000 will display as light gray on the map. For a property in any borough except Staten Island, you can click the (ACRIS) link for details about the sale.


How do condos and coops appear in the data?


Because condo units are assigned their own individual tax lot number in sales data, no data on condo sales appears in DAP Map. Coop properties will appear color-coded based on the most recent sale price of just one unit (see below). 


How is price per unit calculated?


For most properties, price per unit is calculated as the most recent sale price divided by the total number of units (residential and commercial) according to DOF sales data. For coop properties, the price per unit is calculated as the most recent sale price divided by 1, since the sale generally reflects just one unit being purchased.


Many non-coop, non-condo properties show a different number of units in their recorded sale versus in PLUTO (a number that comes from tax data)–we found almost 7,000 properties in DAP map with inconsistencies between the datasets. If the price per unit displayed on DAP Map is inconsistent with the number of units shown, this inconsistency is likely the reason.


Data source: NYCDB, DOF Annualized Sales





Violations Risk


This layer shows the number of open Class C housing maintenance code violations issued by HPD between 1/1/2017 and 6/28/2023. Darker red indicates more violations per unit. The violations score is calculated by multiplying the total open Class C violations in that time period by 100 and dividing by the total number of residential units on the property.


The Scale













Data source: NYCDB, HPD Housing Maintenance Code Violations




Eviction Risk


This layer shows the number of evictions executed by marshals between 1/1/2017 and 6/28/2023. Darker red indicates more evictions per unit. The eviction score is calculated by multiplying the total evictions in that time period by 100 and dividing by the total number of units on the property.


The Scale














This dataset is not the full universe of eviction judgments. It only contains evictions performed and recorded by court-ordered marshals.


We used a methodology to de-duplicate marshals’ evictions data that assumed that records with the same date, address, apartment number, zip code, and marshal name were the same eviction. This approach is more conservative than simply using a record’s court-assigned index number and borough as a proxy for a unique eviction. This data source was made available for the first time in 2018.


Data source: NYCDBNYC Department of Investigation.

Deregulation Risk.png


2023 DAP Map update by GreenInfo Network



We are hugely grateful to our collaborators and everyone who has contributed to the original DAP Map:


Ziggy and the Housing Data Coalition for their work on NYCDB

JD Godchaux of NiJeL

Chris Henrick


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