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DAP District Reports Tutorial

The DAP District Reports main page has a list of all 59 community districts (also called community boards) across New York City by their borough, number, and neighborhood names. Click a community district to access its District Report page.


The District Report page includes new data for the last month on risk to stabilized buildings in a community district. At the top of the page is the report month and you can use the dropdown menu to view other months. The map shows the general community district boundaries – you can use DAP Map to get an interactive view of community districts, council districts, and zip codes.

The risk indicators in DAP District Reports are:

  • New sales of residential buildings*

  • 5+ new complaints filed with the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD)

  • 10+ new violations issued by HPD

  • 2 + new complaints filed with the Department of Buildings (DOB)

  • New DOB construction permit applications.


*Note: Sales data from the Department of Finance can lag by several weeks, so listed sales will be from the month before the rest of the data until DOF makes them available. You can see this reflected in the sale dates. Buildings will be color coded using the same system, even though sales might be one month behind.


Click on each list’s header to expand it and view buildings that meet the risk indicator.


If a building falls on two of these lists for the month, it will be color coded yellow. If it falls on three lists, it will be coded orange, and four or more, red.


Down arrows â–¾ indicate how a list is sorted: by sale date, total number of HPD complaints, total number of HPD violations, total number of DOB complaints, or number of Alt 2 DOB permits. 


The blue links allow you to do in-depth research on a property by taking you directly to external websites. Each row has links to an individual property’s:

  • (HPD) HPD building info page, which has recorded owner registrations, complaint details, and violation details;

  • (DOB) DOB Building Information System page, which has details on complaints, violations, and construction permit applications;

  • (ACRIS) ACRIS financial documents recorded on the property;

  • (Taxes) Property tax bills through the Department of Finance; and

  • (OASIS) OASIS page, which is a map built by the CUNY Graduate Center’s Center for Urban Research. OASIS has lots of helpful land use data on its Location Report tab, like the year a building was constructed, the number of buildings on the lot, and the zoning.


Clicking a property’s registered Owner will take you to its page on Who Owns What, a data tool by Who Owns What demystifies property ownership and shell company networks across New York City. The site utilizes a database of 250k other properties to connect the dots and discover other properties a landlord might own or be associated with.


Clicking a property’s Address takes you to its location on Google Maps.

District Report Tips:

The quickest way to locate where a color-coded building appears on other lists is to copy its BBL code and use your browser’s Find (Ctrl + F or ⌘ + F) window to jump to its location. All risk indicator lists must be expanded in order for this to work. You can also visit DAP Portal to look up any building in the city and see its history of housing- and displacement-related data.


DAP District Reports are designed to be easily printed in a clear format. All the lists will automatically expand for printing. You can also print/save to a PDF file to download individual reports.

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